Woodson High School Orchestra
Welcome to Woodson High School Orchestra
Home of the Orchestra Cavaliers!
Fall Masquerade: TBD
Winter Concert: TBD
Woodson Music Department Showcase: TBD
Pre-Assessment: TBD
Assessment: TBD
Senior/End of Year Banquet: TBD
Spring Concert: TBD
Student HighlightS
Congratulations to the Summer 2024 Woodson representative at the VA Governor School for Performing Arts: James Ngo (violin)
Congratulations to the All State Orchestra auditionees!
All State Participants:
Violin: James Ngo, Nathan Kurland, Isaac Kim, Josh Gwon, Sahn Kim
Bass: Zoe Eng
Congratulations to all 2023 Senior Regional & District Orchestra auditionees!
SRO Participants:
Violin: Josh Gwon, Kai McMurry, Cosette Jo, Sahn Kim, Isaac Kim, Nathaniel Kurland, Ethan Lee, James Ngo
Bass: Zoe Eng
SDO Participants:
Violin: Audrey Kan, Isaac Lee, Bomi Shin, Audrey Cochran, Valli Swaminathan, Catherine Han, Siyona Kolelveetil, Bryce Nguyen, 2nd Alt: Chloe Lee
Viola: Jacob Lee
Cello: Jonah Kan, Chloe Choi, Sunny Wang
Jacob Shin for the world premier of his String Quintet performed at the 2023 Woodson Winter Orchestra concert on December 5, 2023
Emmett Aiken, Diya Antony, Sean Cranford, Dag Guessford, Meghan Hembree, Camille Jo, Shaheer Khan, Maia Kim, Jacob Lee, Kayla Ngo, James Ngo, Ada Qin, Brian Vu, and Sunny Wang for being the newest members inducted into the Woodson High School Tri-M Music Honor Society.
Bryce Nguyen for the world premier of his composition, An Ominous Awakening, performed at the 2023 Woodson/Frost Fall Masquerade Concert on October 18, 2023.