Woodson Orchestra Boosters
As a parent of an Orchestra student you are automatically a member of the Orchestra Boosters! The Boosters Board helps plan and implement the important (and fun) functions of the Orchestra, allowing the Director to concentrate on your child's musical education. This year we hope to continue the traditions of the past that we were not able to do last year.
For starters, we plan to have a Car Wash September 25 to raise some funds and for everyone to get to know each other better. In October, the Boosters will help at the first concert with publicity, programs, stage decorations, organizing the students as they get ready to perform, setting up the candy reception, and clean-up. Later in the year, we will help with uniforms for the other concerts - and speaking of attire - we are now busy picking out some spirit wear and other fun trinkets. For those students new to the orchestra program, look out for the music binder we newly designed and distributed starting last year! For existing members, we hope you like it and did not lose it! Along the way, we also hope to help with concert receptions, our Poinsettia fundraiser, Tag Day, and End of the Year Banquet. Last year, thanks to parent volunteers we also spruced up our website, and created a more user friendly way to see all of the photo collections at So technologically savvy helpers are always needed!
Thanks to all of our fundraisers, including our annual Tag Day collection in March, please consider making a contribution as an Orchestra Patron at the level you can afford and passing along the request to others who may wish to contribute. In the past, to name some of our major acquisitions, we purchased a conductor’s platform, storage cabinets, instruments, and the outdoor storage shed. And over the summer, we purchased four air filters for the classroom which we are now glad we did acquire. We are grateful for all the families who’ve contributed to make this possible for all our students. Each year, orchestra is made even more engaging by inviting coaches/clinicians, providing additional musical opportunities, and much more.
To coordinate our volunteer help, we usually send out emails from or Mr. Wentz will let your students know when help is needed. We usually use SignUpGenius to coordinate volunteers. We do usually have monthly Booster meetings and we will continue offering them virtually even if we do later get together in person – yes, we hope this will allow more of you to participate as looking ahead to the next school year, we are also asking you to consider becoming an officer of the Boosters Board as all of us have graduating or graduated students. Mr. Wentz needs you to be a part of the Board!
Supporting and furthering your student's musical growth and education is the primary goal of the Boosters Executive Board and it is a fulfilling activity, as they grow up so fast! So to continue building the Woodson Orchestra Program, your child needs you to join us in this goal! We look forward to working with you this year. If you have any questions or ideas for the boosters, please contact us at
Norma de Beer, President
Hanh Michael, Vice President
LaTisha Elcock, Treasurer
Sarah Kline, Secretary
TinhVan Diep, Media Specialist
Jennifer Lee, Merchandise/Spiritwear
Woodson Orchestra Program has a rich and long tradition of excellence, consistently being recognized throughout Virginia and the nation. Any contributions made to Woodson Orchestra Program Boosters will help support a well-rounded and comprehensive music education for all participating students. The goals and needs of the Orchestra Department always surpass the funding available from the county, so we ask for your kind contribution to assist in bridging the gap. Your tax-deductible donation will be used to cover purchasing new sheet music, instruments, repairs, other orchestra supplies and equipment. Funds can be used to hire guest clinicians and professional musicians who enhance the musical education of our students. In addition, your contributions will offset any costs for outsourcing any compilations for possible virtual events. Any amount helps! Please click on the letter below for more details!